Monday, August 27, 2012

I'm So Cute!

The next pose pack has arrived! 5 cute little poses just for your Simmies. Don't ask about the funky names...I'm special. xB I'd love for you to leave me feedback, let me know if you have any requests, and just enjoy the pack. Thanks everyone! :D

Thursday, August 23, 2012


Welcome to my Sims 3 creations blog. We create unique poses and Sims, poses and Sims inspired by real life photos and people, and are always open to requests.

Pose Created from Inspiration

Picture of Inspiration

The First Pack!

So my first blog entry will be accompanied by a pose pack. Yaaaay! 5 poses, all in a list, ready for you to do what you will with.
I'm still learning, so any advice would be much welcomed. any ideas for future poses would be more than welcomed as well. <3 Thanks everyone! I really hope you enjoy.
Ok...that's it...I have nothing else to say. >_>